Saturday, January 5, 2008

Busy, busy ...

I really didn't think that I was going to be able to be in-world today, as I usually have to take my daughters up to their martial arts class on Saturday, but I needed to do some repair to The Wife's computer, so I got to stay home and she took them.

I actually had four "social events" that I would have liked to have made it to, but the party over at Broadway Live had pretty much wound down by the time I got there, and ditto the "sports gear" party over at Club Mannequin (LINK). Oh, well.

I did make it over to the grand opening of's new space (LINK) over in the Non-Profit Commons (LINK). Kiva is an interesting concept ... they are a "micro-finance" network which allows folks with a bit of extra money (and we're talking as little as twenty-five bucks per loan here!) provide a cash infusion to a third-world entrepreneur who needs a resource for financing. Now, I suspect that the lenders aren't making much cash return on their money, but if they've been able to help somebody bootstrap themselves out of poverty, I guess that's its own reward.

Needless to say, Kiva's very cool and you should go check them out, either in-world or at their web site!

The other thing that I was able to make it to was the mentioned-yesterday opening of the Clarrise Cinquetti show at Avatrait Gallery (LINK).

These opening parties are always fun, with lots of folks turning out ... in the above are Track Hax, Avatrait founder, and Stephen Venkman (with his back to the camera), Avatrait gallery manager.

If you want to check out more of Clarrise Cinquetti's art than you can see in these snaps, drop by the gallery in-world, or at the Avatrait site (where you can buy real-world framed prints of her work, as well as that of the other fine Avatrait artists!).

Anyway, that was my "surprise" social excursion in-world today. Back to your regular programming, I'm sure, in following posts.

1 comment:

lefin1 said...

You get paid for this?