Friday, January 25, 2008

What a day ... in-world, yet

One thing about Second Life that I have a love/hate relationship with is the ability to do a LOT of meetings with a LOT of folks ... on one hand, I never had to venture away from my desk today to forge out onto the frozen tundra of Evanston to go anyplace, but I still took 4 meetings over about 5 hours and I'm beat ... I mean, the efficiencies are awesome, but it's hard to say "can't make it" unless things are actually scheduled for the same time slot!

The first of these today was the regular Friday meeting of the Non-Profit Commons (LINK). All sorts of exciting stuff was introduced, including concepts for their new (second) sim, and Rik Riel's announcement about the "Best Practices for Non-profits in Second Life" report (funded by the MacArthur Foundation via the group), which he'll be doing a presentation on during the regular Friday meeting (at 8:30am SLT) on February 8th.

The other conference of note that I ran off to was the presentation that Jeff Barr of (Jeffronius Batra in-world) was doing as part of the "GeekEnd" conference that they're running today and tomorrow over at Orange Island (LINK). Barr was discussing some awesome new things that Amazon either has available now, or under development that will greatly improve Second Life (I may be stretching his words, but it sounded to me like he was implying that we may finally have real on-demand sim server scalability coming soon). I'm so glad I made that presentation! The files don't seem to be up yet, but they said that the transcripts (the presentations were in text instead of voice) would be up on their site (LINK) at some point.

One other brilliant thing I picked up today was a way of circumventing the 25-group limit ... I've bitched a lot about having to belong to so many groups in the course of all our development, and having to drop out of others that I would just as well have been in order to keep under the limit ... but what the folks at Orange have done is set up Avatar accounts who are named "EventReminder (GroupName)" and instead of having group announcements going out, there are IMs from the Av, and they have signs to click which automatically "Friend" you with them, effectively giving you unlimited number of announcement outlets ... like the Guinness guy above is saying, "Brilliant"!

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