Friday, March 14, 2008

Wowzers ...

The Simuality Big Boss spent all day yesterday down at the offices of one of our Really Huge Potential Clients, hoping to come back with signed proposals so that we could get rolling with their first (of several) builds in-world. What he came back with instead was news that we're going to be doing a massive, on-going, complicated, and ground-breaking joint venture with them for bringing virtual versions of all their real-world facilities into Second Life!

Here's Eschatos in his high-rise digs, getting ready to burn some midnight oil on these new projects ... as busy as we were getting ready for the Virtual Worlds Conference (LINK), we're going to be having to ratchet things up to a whole 'nuther level, as we need to have a "demo" version of the first build on this up and running by mid-May!

Needless to say, we're going to be needing to add on quite a lot more staff ... we need in-world builders, scripters, designers, etc., and will need real-world programmers, project managers, etc.! If you think you'd fit in as part of the Simuality team, come on over to Simuality island (LINK) for the in-world gigs (ask for Evermore Noel), or to the Simuality web site (LINK) for the positions up in Evanston, IL.

More blitherings on this as I get "releasable" details ...

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