Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lookie there ...

Eschatos doesn't get much chance to build or script stuff, but every now and again he finds a situation where he needs something now, and doesn't have time to wait around to describe the situation, line up a builder/scripter, and get it done by somebody else. This was the case yesterday, when we were finalizing copy for an ad for the VWC08 program, and I needed to have some SLURL to have the info for SlippCat pointing to in-world.

There is Eschatos standing in front of the new sign stuck in the middle of the amphitheater on Simuality Island (LINK). While it doesn't look like much, it's got the logo on four sides, has link coding on the upper part, and is merged with the lower part, and in pulling it together, I learned the LSL for changing text color (it's an odd 0-1 scale, so you have to divide the RGB values into 1 and then use the resulting decimal) and transparency (its "click me" label is not transparent here, it's just that the SL camera doesn't pick up floating text!). One of these days, I'm going to have a better grasp of LSL, but this will do for the moment!

Anyway, though I'd share ... oh, by the way, do drop by the SlippCat site to see the unfolding "teases" we're doing (ala the old Burma Shave road ads) leading up to the conference!

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