Monday, May 12, 2008

Wow ...

Well, I'm impressed. The Boss had decided that we should do donation pylons in-world to help raise money for the relief efforts in Burma ... and last Friday we whipped up these little units and started distributing them where we could ... here's one sitting outside the Simuality Island Welcome Center (LINK).

They can be "taken" and rezzed in other places (we were having a heck of a time with the script for that), so this should be spreading around in-world.

The folks at PR NewsWire had a very generous offer of putting out complimentary releases about relief efforts for the Myanmar Cyclone survivors, so I wrote up something and shot it out to them ... and I've just been blown away with the pick-up ... we've been in,, Yahoo news, and dozens of others!

If you're wandering around Second Life, drop by Simuality and make a donation, or "take" one of the kiosks (right-click, more > take copy) and set it up in your corner of the metaverse to help out!

More later ...

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