Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Video ...

Eschatos spent much of the morning over at the Welcome Center on Simuality Island (LINK), working on putting in a display featuring our recent coverage by NBC5 Chicago (a story called "The New Reality" by reporter Kim Vatis which aired this past Monday). You may recall my having blogged about the TV crew being up here (and our creating an Avatar for her) a couple of weeks back. I was slightly miffed that they used maybe 15 seconds of the 45 minutes of so of raw machinima footage that I'd shot then, but I guess they decided to shoot their own scenes.

Eschatos set up a big screen TV that cycles through various screen caps that I'd snagged from the video, and then added a sign with link coding which goes out to a page where we have a copy of the video available.

I almost experimented with the "upload video" function on this blog, but figured I'd leave that for another day. One of our "still developing" plans is to be shooting a lot more machinima of events, etc., in-world and foisting them on the unsuspecting world via YouTube and these other outlets.

Gotta go write a press release about our next gallery opening at Avatrait ... more later!

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