Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What a year ...

So, there's Eschatos, up in his Broadway Live apartment, sitting around contemplating the meaning of life as a loose collection of data points and pixels ...

... Eschatos is never much for partying, so he may just see if there are fireworks and otherwise commune with that bottle of Wild Turkey he has out on the bar.

Sure, there were good things this year, the Avatrait book, the trips to Florence, Tampa, and New York, the new Avatrait island, and stuff like that ... but over-all it's been an emotional buzz-saw with precious little to recommend it. As such, all concerned are pretty happy to see 2008 get the bum's rush out the door.

Here's hoping that 2009 will be all bright and shiny and full of fresh possibilities.

More later (next year!) ...

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