Friday, February 27, 2009

Eschatos has a nightmare?

Eschatos has been existing in that un-rezzed limbo (where trees falling unobserved in the forest reside) for much of the past week. Things around the RL office have been way too hectic to allow much in-world activity. However, his rent over at Broadway Live was late, so we made the time for him to take care of thst!

When he got back to the in-world office, he went to sit on his desk chair, and suddenly found himself in darkness, at coordinates 0,0,0, and, further inexplicably, in the middle of a frame from an old Avatrait gallery show!

OOOOOH, spooky, eh? The spell was broken by taking this snapshot (I guess the silly "say cheese" animation over-rode whatever sent him down there), but at least the moment was memorialized!

It seemed like quite a bit of random flotsam and jetsam was lost down under the Island, and Eschatos (ever the dutiful manager) got as close to it as he could and sent the various chunks of primstructure back to their "owners" before turning the clock back over to his typist.

As always, there are Big Secret Plans in the works, but much of the time crunch is trying to get the Avatrait site up to full functioning before some major media hits next month ... and right now Eschatos' typist is the only pixel-pusher and HTML monkey available, so has been working 10-14 hours days for weeks.

Anyway ... more later ...

Monday, February 23, 2009

TaaaDaaa ...

So, if there are long stretches of time when Eschatos seems MIA to our loyal readers ... well, you know, there are other things than Second Life out there, right? Right? OK, so you won't get very far trying to sell that to Eschatos, since if he's not being rezzed, well, that's when the metaphysics kicks in.

Anyway, Eschatos is very excited that there's a new book out as of this weekend ...

... actually, this is the first in a whole series of books that will be recording the various shows at the Avatrait Gallery (LINK)!

This also comes with a new "storefront" for each in-world gallery opening, where Real World versions of the featured artist's works are available for order ... I know, it makes Eschatos' head swim as well.

All he can say is that you need to surf over to, and poke around in all those tabs and sub-tabs ... sign up for a free account while you're there and "tell 'em Eschatos sent ya!" (not that he's actually participating in the current "membership promotion" contest).

More later ...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Almost like old times ...

Back in the day when we were doing more in-world "development" we had lots of "team meetings", but these has fallen off as more of the company's focus has moved to the out-world aspects. Needless to say, this leaves Eschatos in the lurch a lot, and he gets cranky at being "unrezzed" (hence his recent building outbursts!).

However, yesterday we had the first of an on-going regular Team Meeting for the Avatrait managers, up in the new boardroom on the Avatrait Gallery sim.

Around the table are Avatrait artists/managers Shoshana Epsion, Stephen Venkman, our new CEO Dash Panthar, Eschatos, and the legendary Track Hax.

Eschatos's typist has been spending a lot of 12-hour days cranking code to get the e-commerce parts of the Avatrait web site up and functioning, and this meeting was discussing ways we need to move the Gallery and the Web into closer cooperation.

Thought that this would be a bit of a change of pace over Eschatos' "solitary confinement" over on the old island!

More later ...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

There he goes ...

Well, you can't say you weren't warned. Eschatos was needing to work out his "building" muscles, and had a monomaniacal itch to scratch, so he built himself a peristyle suitable for Speer's Germania, all around one end of the island!

Rumor has it that he's contemplating installing search lights, some additional banners and maybe 8m braziers on the top.

Hopefully something more useful will draw his attention next week.

More later ...

Friday, February 13, 2009

So what do you do when there's nothing to do?

OK, that's a totally unfair question, as Eschatos' typist has been racking up a long string of 12-hour days, which leaves Eschatos "unRezzed" most of the time. Admittedly, there isn't very much happening on the island these days, and whatever amusement there was with having the Pattern9 sims next door has gone away.

So, Eschatos has been up to no good ... he'd gotten that groovy "socialist leader" image done a few weeks back, and was trying to think about how to add it into his environmnent ... somehow having it right over his desk was too cliché ... but then he recalled having all those huge prims! So now there's a 32x48m poster of it hanging over the island, all nice and Big Brother-ish!

You can tell Eschatos is pretty proud of himself, and figures that as long as nobody's coming to see him over there, he might as well be the megalomaniac ruler of his little corner of Second Life ... heck, he might even get all Albert Speer over there and start building columns!

More later ...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

All alone ...

Well, Eschatos went up on the roof today to take a look around ... things are very quiet on our island, but are tidied up, waiting for the next big (can't talk about it yet) change.

However, we're suddenly all by ourselves. The whole "Pattern9" complex, six sims worth, has gone away. I understand that a couple of those sims got moved elsewhere, and the rest, well ... it looks like they just sank beneath the waves.

We'd been the initial developer on the Club Mannequin and Pattern9 project, but the client decided that he could "do it himself" and hired some in-world day labor to get it set up ... and never ever had any traffic (except for the pitiful camping mall) after we weren't managing things. Pretty sad, actually, as it was a great initial concept.

Eschatos is sad that his buddy ChooChoo ended up disappearing with the rest of that ... her store (full of really cool sculpty prim furniture) did end up moving with the remaining 2 sims, but now they can't just yell across the lagoon at each other!

Not generally one for making "mix tapes", Eschatos is considering piping through the Gilligan's Island theme through the media feed, maybe broken up with and occasional playing of "So Ronery" from Team America.

More later ...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hi ...

Just a brief note today ...

Eschatos has been very busy managing aspects of the new
Avatrait Web site, which has grown out of the Avatrait Gallery (LINK), which he's visiting in this shot:

One of the things that Eschatos has been doing is keeping track of the sign-ups over there, and he was very impressed at what a "global" community we're building! He wanted to share the country list of the most recent 30 new members:
                    Brazil (2)
                    France (3)
                    Germany (2)
                    New Zealand
                    Portugal (3)
                    UK (2)
                    USA (7)
                    Venezuela (2)

Anyway, Eschatos thought it was so cool that Second Life art fans from all over the "real world" were coming together on to see, share, and discuss images of his pixellated home! He'd be much obliged if you'd come on over and sign up for a free membership there too!

More later ...