My, how time
flies ... I can't believe that it's been TWO WEEKS since we last checked in on Eschatos! Frankly, in the wake of
all the news around the Florence trip, there's been very little to report. Somehow something like "Eschatos went here, here, here, and here to pay his in-world rent" doesn't have the post-worthy ring to it that we're looking for in this space!
There has been one reasonably significant change to update y'all on ... we got blind-sided by Lulu (the print-on-demand place that we're using to do the Avatrait book),
first with a
fairly substantial price increase on the printing (after we got locked in to the $49.95 cover price), and
then discovering that they only print the hard-cover books
in the USA, which has been resulting in
insane shipping charges being quoted to our European artists and friends ("insane" as in €71 ... well over $100! ... to ship book that weighs under two pounds).
Obviously, "that would NOT do!" ... and may have seriously cut into the potential orders that we would have had from the
Festival della Creativita. So, we have opted to pull all orders in-house, and are hopefully setting up a system where we order the number of books that we
guess we'll need over the next month, and have them on hand to send out, and then re-order (due to this being a print-on-demand, large-format, hard-cover, full-color book, the printing costs are very high, and we have a razor-thin margin) as the money comes in.
So, please go to, and take a look ... there is now a little green "ORDER" button which takes you to a page with
twenty payment options (19 via PayPal, and one via Lindens) in everything from Euros to Zlotys to Yen! Also, once "the system" gets rolling, it will be MUCH faster, as
we'll be doing the 2-3 weeks of waiting up front, and will be able to just shoot the books out as you order them!
Everybody with an interest in Second Life, and Virtual World art should get a copy! It really IS a "landmark" in the field of "Digital Impressionism". You can also visit our in-world storefront (
LINK) for previews of the art.
Oh, yeah ... one more thing. The Avatrait Gallery is
temporarily closed at the moment allowing us to make a "clean move" between the long-running site on Simuality Island to its new home on Avatrait Island ... look for the Grand Opening announcement soon!
More later ...