Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Uhhhh ... still waiting ...

Eschatos has been very busy working on things that he'd just love to tell you about, but it's all still "big super secret" stuff, so until he gets greenlighted for communications, you just have to wait. Sorry! This has also been limited the fascinating blog posts that he could be making ... sort of hard doing 12-hour days on hush-hush projects and then trying to create some side deal that he can talk about.

Now, Eschatos is not much of a "builder" ... sure, he does excellent signs and reasonably serviceable promo coffee mugs, but his building efforts in-world have largely been along the lines of slapping textures onto boxes (hey, he's got some great bookcases, sidetables, books and magazines!), but we were in need of some promotional items to fill up a "gift shop" for a machinima we were putting together to give a potential client a walk-through of a concept that's in the pitch. Not having time (or budget) to bring in a real "virtual designer", Eschatos jumped in and whipped up a very nice Teddy Bear ...

Needless to say, Eschatos has been very pleased with himself, and has been wanting to show everybody, so, lacking any other "interesting" thing that he could entertain y'all with, we opted to go with the bear!

We're having a meeting today with an Ad agency (which is bringing in a bunch of new clients), so maybe we'll get something signed and Eschatos can start doing "show and tell" on some of these new projects!

More later ...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A whole new world?

OK, so Eschatos had to check out the new "photo-realistic" LivePlace virtual world demo, supposedly run via "cloud computing" (or is that simply "vaporware"?), given there's been such a buzz about it!

Eschatos would be more impressed if a lot of their demo reel didn't look a whole lot like using a SWAT-team "snake cam" in and around miniature models, intercut with suitably grainy outdoor shots and tight close-ups into G.I. Joe's highrise pad (just watch the video), in an extended homage to Art Clokey.

Sure, Eschatos would love to live in a photo-realistic world ... but he likes to point out that the New York Times says that us "meatworlders" might well be living virtual lives controlled from some guy’s couch (a must-read article), so "photo-realistic" isn't necessarily all it's cracked up to be!

Eschatos is busting his britches to talk about Simuality's own Big Secret Projects, but he can't quite yet ... but let's just say he spent a chunk of time this afternoon looking at web sites for people who wrap ads on buses. Needless to say, he'll be spilling the beans in a TMI-frenzy just as soon as he can.

More later ...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The best laid plans ...

Yes, Eschatos had every intent to have at least two posts up in here per week ... really ... unfortunately, his typist ended up in the hospital (for real) last week ... talk about 1st Life imitating 2nd Life. The Powers That Be around here suggested that I figure out some way for Eschatos to win the lottery, and wait around for that to swing around into reality!

Since we're still breathing (or whatever Avatars do), Eschatos decided that we needed to go off for some in-world culture, since there was nothing concrete to report other than TMI-like details of the real-world hospital stay.

Here is Eschatos hanging out outside the "Second Louvre" which is quite an impressive building. We'd hoped for more "real" art in there, but it seemed to be pretty much all virtual. Heck, if we wanted to see virtual art (and, as you know, Eschatos has built up quite a collection in his Maxwell Street pad), we'd go hang out at the Avatrait Gallery (LINK)! Actually, Eschatos was over there today to get some details down for a press release going out this evening. Oh, well, we seem to be blithering at this point.

More later ....